Beccy Sunday, April 4, 2010

When I think Snickers, I think transvestites. Don’t you? It seems the advertising department at Snicker’s HQ had the stellar idea of associating chocolate, nuts and caramel with a bikini clad man.

I can’t help but wonder – what was the thought process? I am picturing a board room, a large oval mahogany table, 12 middle aged men in gray suits and navy ties, a jug of water with 12 empty glasses, a white board .. and, nothing but silence. How on earth did they get from there to here?

Here are my possible scenarios that resulted in this wonder of chocolate bar advertising;

A) The bikini clad man, is actually one of those men in gray suits with navy ties.
B) They are launching a new chocolate bar and wanted to totally turn the Snickers loving public right off Snickers bars, in hope everyone would focus their attentions on the new and less repulsive chocolate bar.
C) They hired a 14 year old boy to develop the campaign. Look out for the next Snickers ad which will include farts, burps and general toilet humor.

I am now pining for the good old days when they used to tell us how wonderful chocolate bars were for us. They give us so much energy! They helps us to work, rest and play! You would be so much cooler, if only you ate more chocolate bars (all the cool kids are doing it!). Don’t forget the fantastic nutritional benefits of all that calcium from the full cream milk.

Seriously – what does this ad have to do with being ‘really satisfied’? Who watches this add and then thinks ... ‘Yummmm ... Snickers!’? None of this makes any sense and I am really angry about it.


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