Beccy Monday, April 5, 2010

As a professional wife, I am an expert on anything that goes on within the walls of my home. A black Playstation 3 resides under our television, so I must be an expert on that too.

The Good

Husbands can be annoying.

I, in particular enjoy phone calls at 10.30am questioning what will be served for dinner.

There is also the array of clothing articles and general mess that can be found around the house, tracking the path that your husband has walked since arriving home.

Husbands are messy, slightly whingey and think homes have an auto-pilot button that results in a sparkly, shiny home complete with a roast chicken on the table and baked goods in the oven.

In comes the Playstation 3! Husbands (any brand of husband!) are automatically drawn in by the sleek design, flashing lights and the explosive sound effects.

For a simple, quick fix to pesky husbands, purchase one Playstation 3 and at least three different games. My recommendations for suitable games would be: 1 that includes bombs or explosives, 1 that includes cars and 1 that has a sporty essence.

The Bad

Playstation 3's have the unfortunate side effect of turning your husband in to a mute, with selective hearing. Most important questions like 'Husband - did you pay the electricity bill?' will be answered with a grunt. Fortunately, Playstation 3's require electricity to function. So once the electricity provider has disconnected your supply, due to the bills not being paid, due to your husband spending every waking hour on the Playstation - you can be sure he will be really motivated to get it re-connected.

Even though husband waste such as clothing and food wrappers, will still be apparent - it is more condensed. Generally within a 1 meter radius of the preferred seating area for optimum Playstation 3 gaming action. I am still unsure if this is a good or bad aspect.

In general - your husband will become a vegetable. But, a quite vegetable at the very least.

The Bottom Line

If you like your husband at all, and enjoy any sort of contact with him that doesn't include vacant glares and grunts - never, ever - allow any Playsation of any variety to enter your home.


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